When the fairies are forced to move back to their ancestral home, the journey they have to make is fraught with danger, as the murderous goblins have plans to take over all the woodlands. The fairies desperately need help from the humans that live at Polquite, but just which of the humans can they trust?

The book is the first in the series about the Magicals of Kernow. It is a story of danger and death and love and laughter.

Scheduled publication date September 2018


         For tens of thousands of years Britain has been a home to magical and mysterious creatures. Fairies, elves, goblins, pixies and many other creatures lived in the vast woodlands. The woodlands provided an abundance of food, including nuts, berries, edible plants and fungi, and many other delights and because of the bounty provided by the woodlands the magical beings lived together in relative peace. That is until the humans came. Deforestation and intensive farming reduced their habitat to such an extent that finally, there were only a few places left in Britain where they clung onto life. One such place was North Kernow, where the climate provided an abundance of food in the pockets of woodland that bordered the hundreds of brooks, streams and rivers.

       However, to ensure they had enough to eat the magical beings still needed to control their population and for some time they lived in relative harmony with each other. That was until a cruel and violent goblin called Blackwort decided to expand his empire. First he turfed the badgers and rabbits from their homes and then set about removing the fairies from Dinhams Woods. After the goblins had murdered one of the fairies, their leader Tilly Watercress persuaded the fairy family to move back to their ancestral home in Polquite Wood. To get there the family of two hundred fairies would have to travel in small groups past the goblins homeland in Wenderham Woods. However the gobins were alert and having noticed the regular movement of fairies through the edge of their territory they made plans to find out exactly where they were going.  When an ambitious goblin called Bogroll is ordered to capture a fairy, trouble is brewing for Tilly Watercress and her family.